Showing 26 Result(s)

Celebrity Couples: Leonardo DiCaprio dating Green Lantern Gossip Girl?

There is a new green celebrity couple in tinsel town — actor Leonardo DiCaprio is dating actress Blake Lively. While he is known for being one of the most active green celebrities in Hollywood, she’s gotten famous playing the love interest of eco-friendly actor Ryan Reynolds in the new Summer blockbuster film the Green Lantern. What does the famous pair have in common? Keep reading…

Formula One daughter Petra Ecclestone horrible example for idle rich?

Petra Ecclestone is the daughter of Bernie Ecclestone, famous for controlling Formula One auto racing for years. She just bought Candy Spelling’s mansion — you know… the one owned by recently deceased super producer Aaron Spelling, father of disinherited Tori Spelling from 90210? At any rate, the luxury mansion is one of the largest property sales in recent history for a private mansion. Bought by the 22 year old daughter of the uber wealthy F1 magnate for $85 million, she spoke out to the press about why she was willing to invest so much money in a property she had never seen. Keep reading…

Celebrity Scandal: Jennifer Lopez cheating with Brad Pitt lookalike?

Jennifer Lopez has been accused of sleeping with a Brad Pitt celebrity lookalike and the rumors are not dying down. Actually, the small talk going on in beauty salons across the country has even left a few people thinking that JLo and Brad Pitt himself are really fooling around. This article shares news about Jennifer Lopez and Mark Anthony divorcing as well as explains who the Brad Pitt lookalike actually is — as well as why Jenny from the block might have kicked him to the curb before the two went public with their love affair. Want to know more? Keep reading…