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Celebrity Dating: New career for LiLo dad Michael Lohan as Gigolo?

Pity date, anyone?

Michael Lohan selling himself like a Gigolo, hoping some poor lucky man or woman will buy him as a date so he can donate a portion of his man-whore wages to rehab charities…

[Apr. 22]

As if Michael Lohan hadn’t embarrassed Disney princess daughter Lindsay Lohan of The Parent Trap by going on Celebrity Rehab earlier this year, the father who also has struggled with addiction is now putting himself on the auction block for dating website, which solicits dates to members who are willing to pay, according to RadarOnline.

Michael Lohan reportedly has asked for $10,000 to go out on a date. He says he will require airfare if the date is out of state, and he insists on first class travel and at least a four-star hotel. You might think this is just a ploy for more attention, although one could argue it’s not the kind of positive attention the embattled father needs right now, but he says otherwise.

Michael Lohan told RadarOnline:

ā€œIā€™m willing to do this in order to donate the money to a rehab and recovery program or programs,ā€ Lohan told RadarOnline.

In addition to appearing on Celebrity Rehab, Michael Lohan was recently in the news late last month when authorities arrested him on charges of domestic violence against a cohabitant, stemming from a woman’s complaint in an apartment near West Hollywood, People reported. Police say the troubled actor did not appear to be intoxicated and did cooperate. The victim was not identified and refused medical treatment.

[Clearly the kind of guy you want to fly out to service you first class.]

It seems odd that Michael Lohan would be willing to sell himself for a date, given his recent troubles with women and his celebrity status. Also, given the fact that he’s been open about addiction and his daughter, Lindsay Lohan, is still facing legal troubles of her own following a stint in rehab, one would think he’s not the ideal date candidate. But who knows? Some women may disagree.

Not exactly the green celebrity type, maybe Michael Lohan hopes to mend his relationship with the charitable green celebrity Lindsay Lohan by doing something charitable in the name of rehab. Perhaps that was his intention by appearing on Celebrity Rehab. Let’s just hope he doesn’t do anything to sink Lindsay’s role in the new film Gotti: Three Generations with John Travolta.

Scratch that. Word on the street is she already lost the lead role playing John Gotti’s daughter Victoria Gotti, but will instead play a lesser role of a mobster wife.

Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Playboy Mansion with Bunnies kid friendly?

Holiday News meets Hollywood Gossip!

Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Playboy Mansion with Bunnies kid friendly?

[Apr. 22]

Here’s some strange holiday weekend news for ya… did you know that every year, Playboy founder Hugh Hefner throws an Easter Egg hunt at the Playboy Mansion that seriously outdoes the one at the White House? That is, if you measure the kid friendly even in terms of bunny sightings.

The Playboy bunnies from various eras got together and brought their celebrity children (you know — the ones that are NOT famous because mom posed in the nudie magazine and might not have gone on to do more or less spectacular things).

The kids were treated to an Easter Egg hunt featuring actress Pamela Anderson and rock and roll star Gene Simmons (movie star of reality TV fame and lead singer for the rock band KISS).

How, exactly, Hef chose to further tie in the bunny theme with Easter in any of the mansion rooms away from the kids is not quite clear (thankfully), but suffice it to say that if you peruse the photo gallery of the 2011 Playboy Mansion Easter Egg Hunt here, the only person looking lascivious seemed to be Gene Simmons.

Looking for a little bunny tail, perhaps, while he was a house guest?

Glenn Beck leaving FOX News to compete with Jon Stewart and Comedy Central?

Now THAT is funny!

Glenn Beck leaving FOX News to compete with Comedy Central?

[Apr. 21]

Glenn Beck says he’s not going to hold back against Jon Stewart of The Daily Show and Stephen Colbert of The Colbert Report, both comedians and commentators for the Comedy Central cable television network, once The Glenn Beck Show is discontinued by FOX later this year. Both Stewart and Colbert have repeatedly lampooned Glenn Beck for some of his outrageous commentary, including impersonating Beck’s end-of-the-world fatalism.

“I am going to make sure that Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart do not occupy the space of comedy alone,” Glenn Beck said, according to Death and Taxes magazine.

News commentator Glenn Beck has said he’ll be leaving his show later this year, but that he has no animosity toward FOX News. He has said he’s looking for opportunities to change media and says he will not be doing it in New York, even though his media company, Mercury Radio Arts, is set up in New York with no plans to move, according to Business Insider.

But can Glenn Beck even begin to make it in comedy? Some say maybe. A report from Time magazine says writer Joel Stein was tapped to help write material for Beck for a Common Sense Comedy Tour in 2009. Stein wasn’t exactly favorable to the FOX News personality, but he wasn’t completely terrible about it either. He noted Beck had a couple of cute jokes of his own, but said, “It turns out that coming up with jokes for members of a reactionary, religious, libertarian audience is not easy.”