Miley Cyrus in trouble again for playing the part of a slut says Parent group

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Miley Cyrus is in trouble for playing the part of a slut on cam a very vocal and conservative (but this time spot on) parent group says.

According to recent report by the Sydney Morning Herald:

Miley Cyrus can’t put a foot right according to the US Parents Television Council.

The 17-year-old singer and star of the Disney television show Hannah Montana has upset the conservative council with her latest music video Who Owns My Heart?.

It opens with Cyrus lying on a bed made with satin sheets. She later exposes a lot of leg in the back of a limousine and is then seen dancing suggestively with men and women at a night club while wearing a plunging top.

Tim Winter, president of the Parents Television Council, told TMZ that the messages it is sending to her fan base are “diametrically opposed to everything she has done up to this point”.

“Miley built her fame and fortune entirely on the backs of young girls, and it saddens us that she seems so eager to distance herself from that fan base so rapidly,” said Winter.

While this writer leans to the left on issues of civil rights and freedom of expression, on this particular point I have to agree with the assessment made by the Parent group.

When Miley took on her role with Disney and cultivated an audience of young girls that watched her and bought her album, she took on a level of personal responsibility tied with her branding and marketing.

To knowingly cultivate a kiddie audience and derive the profits related to having done it, Miley’s decision to incorporate sex rather than public awareness, social responsibility, having healthy self-esteem, and or natural beauty is both crass and inappropriate.

In my humble opinion.

What’s yours?

Sound off in the comments section below and tell the world what you think of Miley Cyrus’ decision to sell sex to her kiddie audience in an attempt to grab more adult male attention and stir controversy about whether or not she is bi-sexual.

Before you respond, keep in mind that Miley has been an open gay basher — but is now trying to capture the attention and dollars from the LGBT community.

She is also still under contract with Disney — although we think her days and popularity numbers there are waning swiftly.

As such, is throwing away her image and Disney contract a celebrity OOPS or celebrity scandal that will cost her fans in the long run and put her down on the celebrity D-List with her loser father or not?

Time will tell.

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