Showing 749 Result(s)

Billy Crystal replacing funny Eddie Murphy as Oscar Host (snore)

Green celebrity Billy Crystal has just confirmed via Twitter that he will be replacing funny Eddie Murphy as the next Oscars host. The actor has already hosted the famous awards show 9 times, so producers know they can count on him to do a good job hosting. Sort of. Funny celeb Murphy was scheduled to replace Anne Hathaway and James Franco, the pair that resoundingly flopped hosting last year’s event. While Hollywood social circles are small, the choice to rehire Crystal (considering his relative obscurity in recent years) surprises and somewhat bores most. Why isn’t he the best choice as the next Oscars host? Keep reading…

Kristen Stewart: New role model for women and famous humanitarian?

Off camera, Kristen Stewart is known as a green celebrity humanitarian for her support of charities that help with AIDS, homelessness, disaster relief, women’s rights, abuse, and more. She is known to have supported the following charities: Oxfam, the Red Cross, and Shoe Revolt. But, the famous humanitarian actress is most famous for her role on the silver screen playing Bella Swan in The Twilight Saga, the trilogy of films based on the book series by writer Stephenie Myer. Want to know more about what she has been up to lately? Keep reading…

Britney Spears considering plastic surgery now that she is over 30?

Guess those ultra-low rise jeans are not too flattering after the age of sweet 16 and after two babies, eh Britney Spears? In Touch magazine is reporting the Disney princess is considering plastic surgery alternatives to correct her sagging curves and swelling belly. Sadly, the best thing that could happen is if she actually had the operations and the surgeon botched them — otherwise, the pop tart is only serving as a bad example for young girls who loved her but are now maturing. Want to know how she could turn the big fat news she’s turning 30 into a pretty perk? Keep reading…