The Bachelorette: No chance Chantal O will be next single girl on reality TV?
Chantal O, the Bachelor contestant who was wrongly dumped by commitment-phobe Brad Womack on the version 2 re-installment of his series last season, turned down The Bachelorette 2011. Instead of seeing the daughter of the sports team from Seattle get a chance to meet a bevy of beautiful bachelors and get a chance to kiss each and every one on national TV, we all are getting the chance to watch Ashley H. While Ashley and her emotional neediness have been riveting, she herself has not been very entertaining. One would think a smart Bachelorette like — say — Chantel O would have been a better choice for reality TV. So why did the ever so lovely and vibrant dumpee tell the producers the polite version of how to get stuffed before signing on again to a new reality show on TV? Keep reading…