Showing 51 Result(s)

Taylor Lautner fake gay rumor reports new form of cyber bullying?

The now famous “Taylor Lautner is Gay” People magazine cover image went viral Monday December 26th. Shortly after it appeared, the rumor mills report had caught the eye of hip-hop magnate Russell Simmons (who promptly tweeted his support). That is until the cover image was revealed to be a hoax, following a discovery that the People cover sidebar is one from a 2006 issue of the magazine. Then, justifiably so, he got mad — not GLBT sad because their civil rights and humanitarian cause would most likely end up being the butt of jokes again. Are Team Jacob fans or Twilight haters the root cause of cyber bullying Taylor Lautner? Keep reading…

List of bright green celebrities and famous humanitarians of 2011

Happy New Years! The teen-centered volunteer organization has identified the most charitable celebrities in 2011. Earning spots in the Top 20 Celebs Gone Good, these famous humanitarians and green celebrities all have spent the past year using their star power wisely. NY Daily News also shared the list of the top three star celebs who did good deeds. Coming out on top were Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, and George Clooney. Want to know more about which charity benefits and causes they supported? Keep reading…

Celebrity Divorce: Sinead O’Connor divorced faster than Kim Kardashian?

It seems news of Hollywood break-ups and divorce are dominating the headlines over the 2011 holidays. First, there was the divorce for Kim Kardashian, just before Thanksgiving, following a 72-day marriage to NBA star celeb Kris Humphries. Then came the post-Thanksgiving announcement from Chaz Bono, who tweeted a sweet but noncommittal separation from fiancee Jennifer Elia in the months following his big marriage proposal. Now we learn that Sinead O’Connor, who recently married Barry Herridge, has decided to end that marriage after just 18 days. That’s faster than a speeding Kardashian! What happened? Keep reading…