Did you see the new photos of Whitney Houston dead?

Did you see the new photos of Whitney Houston dead? The folks over at National Enquirer certainly hope you did. What’s more, they hope it will make you buy a copy of their tabloid magazine. But while they are enjoying a publicity boost for being the only journal that was willing to publish photos of the dead singer in her open casket, the fame the have acquired by doing so might be more costly than they expected. Has the celebrity gossip publication sunk to a new low in popularity?

Whitney Houston DeadGossip Cop called the tabloid National Enquirer out on the carpet for sharing unauthorized photos of Whitney Houston dead.

The singer’s funeral took place over the weekend and with the exception of Bobbi Kristina Brown allegedly disappearing for a few hours to get wasted, Bobby Brown making an early departure and refusing to stay for the funeral after ushers told him that he was not allowed to sit in the front row (the space reserved for family), and Aretha Franklin failing to appear after she allegedly had a fight with Whitney’s mom sissy [but saying she could not come for medical reasons] — all was quiet.

Now this.

Gossip Cop says, “The National Enquirer frequently sets the bar very, very low.” Claiming the entertainment news magazine really crossed the line, “when it decided to publish a cover story featuring a photo of Whitney Houston in an open casket at the Whigham Funeral Home in New Jersey before her burial last weekend…” they outraged fans, the singer’s friends and family, and all the other celebrity gossip websites.

That’s right: The magazine somehow thought it was appropriate to put an unauthorized picture of the late singer’s dead body on every newsstand in America.

It’s not appropriate.

Actually, it’s astoundingly poor taste and low stooping, even by the Enquirer’s standards.

Saying, “… it represents the very worst of predatory paparazzi culture…” the reputable website said, “There’s no reason why the public at large needs to see Houston’s lifeless body.”

We have to agree… and wonder if people at companies like People Magazine, ET Online, and even TMZ would have done the same if they had the opportunity.

Our guess is we doubt it, seriously.

Rest in Peace, Whitney…

Star celebs who did attend the funeral were very moved by a eulogy speech made by green celebrity actor Kevin Costner, Whitney Houston’s co-star in the hit film The Body Guard. Costner was one of the men responsible for helping to clean up the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. He owns part of a company that makes machines that skim floating oil off the surface of the water that helps save wildlife (aquatic birds and sea mammals especially). Costner got interested in ocean protection while filming Waterworld with deceased actor Dennis Hopper [a noted art collector and civic activist for the arts].

Do you think the National Enquirer went too far publishing unauthorized photos of Whitney Houston dead in her casket for all the world to see? Should the photos have been taken and shared more tastefully by the family to help fans find closure and end their grief or should the graphic images of the Grammy winner’s lifeless form have been buried for all eternity?

Tell other readers what you think about the controversial National Enquirer photos in the Facebook comment section below.