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Celebrity Friends: Paris Hilton joke about Lindsay Lohan not funny?

Celebrity Scandal!

Paris Hilton funny joke about Lindsay Lohan not PC for celebrity friends?

[May 7]

Reality television star Paris Hilton has officially said she is sorry about joking publicly about convicted criminal Lindsay Lohan and her… ummm… lack of judgement about the best kind of luxury items to steal while shoplifting. The celebrity socialite apologized to Lindsay Lohan via Twitter after making what some thought were humorous comments about the Disney Princess’ now notorious jewelry theft case. The funniest part of her public apology? In a preview of her new reality show The World According to Paris, Hilton was mistaken for Lohan when giving earrings to a homeless woman, claims Socialite Life, showing how any publicity in Hollywood social circles can be bad or good. In this case the cloud of non-PC jokes has been overshadowed by the silver lining that Paris Hilton slamming Lindsay Lohan in jest actually helped promote her new reality series.

So what did Paris Hilton say about Lindsay Lohan that deserved an apology, and why were her remarks offensive rather than funny?

Socialite Life writes:

The socialite quipped: “If I were Lindsay, I would be stealing earrings… not giving them away.”

Lohan is currently involved in an ongoing court case after being accused of stealing a necklace from LA boutique Kamofie & Company.

According to celebrity gossip website TMZ, a hurt and embarrassed Lindsay Lohan told other more sympathetic celebrity friends:

“[Paris] is mean. You don’t have to make fun of serious matters in people’s lives to be funny.”

Miley Cyrus song Party In The USA new bin Laden celebrity death anthem?

Celebrity Death!

Miley Cyrus song Party In The USA new Osama bin Laden celebrity death anthem?

[May 7]

Add to the list of the accomplish for Miley Cyrus the title of Osama bin Laden killer. At least that’s what some fans are suggesting after hearing the teen star celeb singer’s hit, Party in the USA. There’s a Facebook fan page with over 14,000 likes recommending the hit song to be the theme song for Osama bin Laden’s funeral, according to website Zimbio.

Columbian Missourian has reported on student celebrations at Missouri University:

Soon after [Osama bin Laden’s death], students started celebrating all across campus, from outside Ellis Library to Greektown. Students in Johnston Hall cheered out windows at people passing below on Rollins Street, where cars packed with cheering students rolled by — more than one of them playing Miley Cyrus’ “Party in the USA” from their windows.

Miley herself hasn’t had anything to say about the phenomenon. Certainly she didn’t intend for the summer pop song to be associated with the death of the world’s most notorious terrorist. But fans across the country have adapted the song to be the de facto theme song for the funeral of Osama bin Laden.

The YouTube page for the song has been flooded with Osama bin Laden comments, ranging from “Miley Rocks!!” to “Miley killed Osama!” Another was a bit more realistic, although one could detect the excitement in the air surrounding the pop song. “LIKE THIS COMMENT IF WATCHING THIS VIDEO IS LITERALLY THE FIRST THING YOU DID AFTER YOU LEARNED OSAMA WAS DEAD,” one poster wrote.

Celebrity OOPS: Whitney Houston teenage daughter busted for using drugs?

If it’s not Whitney Houston herself getting into trouble, these days it’s daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown, now 18, following in her mother’s footsteps. The celebrity child of Houston and singer Bobby Brown, now divorced from one another, is still at it, according to Perez Hilton. In March, The National Enquirer released a photo of Bobbi Kristina snorting what appeared to be cocaine, which Bobby Brown initially said couldn’t be true. Now Perez Hilton is saying Bobbi Kristina is in trouble for alcohol and guns, and she could be facing a six month jail sentence. Keep reading…