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List of Green Celebrities fighting to Stop Global Warming

Angelina Jolie is doing it. Jennifer Aniston is doing it. Kristen Stewart is doing it. Sheryl Crow is doing it. Tony Hawk is doing it new, too. So is Arnold Schwarzenegger. What do all of these A-list star celebs have in common? They are all green celebrities doing their part to fight climate change and stop global warming… Going green has become part of Hollywood culture — more specifically, A-List pop culture related to star celebs. It is hard to spend a week watching TV or going to a movie that some pop culture reference to the green movement cannot be seen or to read any entertainment journals and not read something about these humanitarians we know and love from movies on the silver screen.

Brad Pitt dedicated to green building cities and sustainable futures worldwide

Go Green Celebrities!

Brad Pitt studies green building as a hobby, but his commitment to seeing the Unites States and global communities create sustainable cities worldwide is his life’s work ambition when he is not in front of the cameras or red carpet bright lights.

Pitt and other green celebrities in Hollywood have given their celebrity endorsements to a green building charity benefit organization called Global Green USA. Here’s a list of Brad Pitt celebrity friends who stand with him in the fight for sustainable lifestyle trends.

Strange News: Tony Blair in running to win Bad Sex Award for tell all book

Strange News!

Former British premier Tony Blair is up for a less than coveted literary award. The announcement was made Oct. 16 that the Iraq war bed buddy of former U.S. President George W. Bush is up for the least-coveted prize in literature — the Bad Sex Award.

In a passage from his new autobiography, “A Journey,” Blair reminisced about a night of passion with his wife Cherie. The strange news tale, “was deemed so cringe-worthy that Britain’s Literary Review magazine made him the first writer of a nonfiction work to be considered for the dubious honor…” says Fox News.