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Elton John and Melanie Amaro Super Bowl commercial a royal joke? (Pepsi)

Fans of reality television show X Factor were anxious to see the new Pepsi commercial featuring this year’s winner Melanie Amaro and other big name music celebrities. During the competition, viewers were teased with video clips of old Pepsi commercials showing big name super stars like Michael Jackson and Britney Spears (joking around and over-the top performing to help sell soda). What they got from Pepsi Cola during Super Bowl 2012 was a commercial featuring Elton John, Flavor Flav and Melanie Amaro dressed up like they were a part of a King’s Court. The David Beckham commercial for H&M and Coke polar bears were MUCH cuter. Keep reading…

Ding Dong Dictator Kim Jong-Il dead (funny video clips from SNL, Mad TV)

The Kim Jong-Il dictatorship was long parodied by comedy television programs in the United States. Mad TV was one hit television show in the West that used to make jokes about the communist leader being obsessed with Western culture and loving to perpetrate human rights abuses. Saturday Night Live (SNL) was another. Here’s a video clip from Mad TV where that kookie little Kim Jong Il shows off as the, “little man with the big dictatorship.” In it, he interviews the, “big deal player” Donald Trump, host of Celebrity Apprentice. We also have a funny link to a video of Kim Jong-Il singing “Wocket Man” by Elton John (sort of). Keep reading…