Showing 25 Result(s)

Awesome book carving artist recycling old books into eco-friendly art

Carved books are a clever way to recycle old literature. If the thought of getting rid of a book breaks your heart, why not consider turning it into a sculpture? In a review of the carved book designs by Etsy artist Julia Strand, the green news website featured incredible photographs of old books that have been transformed from ordinary to extraordinary. Want to know more about her green trick recycling? Keep reading…

Dark Green News: Rick Perry claims climate change science a fraud?

Rick Perry has officially declared his candidacy as a Republican running for president. He started his campaign with a prayer meeting where he claimed that American was being punished by God for the way we live and our liberal ways. Rather than blaming bad financial management of the budget in the Bush years, financial mismanagement of the mortgage and banking industries, greedy insurance companies who have run the cost of healthcare to exorbitant highs, and a costly, lengthy war effort that is likely to have no end in site or benefit to the average American, he blamed God for smiting America. Now, he is attacking science. Keep reading…

Green News: 25 best cities to visit if you love air pollution? (Travel Advisory)

Green News!

Top 25 best cities to live in or visit on vacation if you love air pollution?

[May 4]

Talk about your anti-travel incentive. The American Lung Association have released their report on the 25 worst cities to live in thanks to poor air quality, and the results were surprising. Most of the top 10 cities on the list were actually places in the great state of California many people craving a vacation trip out west would love to visit!

For the past 12 years, the American Lung Association (ALA) has tirelessly analyzed data from Unites States air quality monitors. Their goal is the same each year: to compile the State of the Air report and help keep Americans and tourists with breathing difficulties which places in the USA are the worst.

“The more you learn about the air you breathe, the more you can protect your health and take steps to make our air cleaner and healthier…” say the ALA reps.

Breathing polluted air, even if you do not have a chronic lung condition like asthma, COPD [Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder], or major allergies to airborne pollens and environmental pollutants can seriously harm your health and even shorten your life.

The State of the Air is an air quality report card on urban and rural air pollution in communities across the country. The list compiled below reflects those cities across the United States with the worst year round particle pollutants, meaning no matter what season of the year you reside there or chose to visit, chances are the overall air quality is going to be *cough gasp* terrible.