Showing 9 Result(s)

Taylor Lautner not considered celebrity teen anymore? (Twilight Trivia)

Country music singer Taylor Swift was interested romantically in actor Taylor Lautner in the past — that is until the two spent some time together away from Hollywood. Now they are just friends and gossip reports say that the hot young singer who preformed so well at the 2012 Grammys just did not have any chemistry with him. Had the two star celebs officially hooked up, there is no doubt she would have been able to avoid that whole unpleasant business with actor Jake Gyllenhaal that put her in tears over the 2010 Christmas holidays. But, looking on the bright side of things, she managed to make a friend! Keep reading…

Could eco-friendly Karma help Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore reunite?

Ashton Kutcher was one of the celebrities who took to Twitter during the 2012 Superbowl to support green celebrity Madonna. During the half time show where she was performing live, the man who has been pretty silent on Twitter tweeted out props to the older pop singer. MTV was one website that noticed his praise of the pretty blonde 53-year old woman, saying, “Kutcher was another fan of the pop titan’s high-energy performance as he confessed, “#fact Madonna is crushing it!” Aside from admiring older women other than his estranged wife Demi Moore, many people have been wondering what else the star celeb has been up to lately. Keep reading…

Valentines Day Coloring Pages: Twilight coloring pages older kids love

Find FREE PRINTABLE COLORING PAGES with a Twilight movie romantic theme for Valentines day or any time you need a coloring page activity that appeals to teens and tweens here. Arts and crafts theme website offers tons of coloring pages for kids of all ages and free printable worksheets that can easily be used for Valentines day theme activities by school teachers in a classroom setting or for a home school kids thematic teaching unit, too. Just think of Bella and Edward as the modern-day Romeo and Juliet. You can even mention that actress Kristen Stewart and actor Robert Pattinson are real life boyfriend and girlfriend. Keep reading…