Showing 6 Result(s)

Elton John and Melanie Amaro Super Bowl commercial a royal joke? (Pepsi)

Fans of reality television show X Factor were anxious to see the new Pepsi commercial featuring this year’s winner Melanie Amaro and other big name music celebrities. During the competition, viewers were teased with video clips of old Pepsi commercials showing big name super stars like Michael Jackson and Britney Spears (joking around and over-the top performing to help sell soda). What they got from Pepsi Cola during Super Bowl 2012 was a commercial featuring Elton John, Flavor Flav and Melanie Amaro dressed up like they were a part of a King’s Court. The David Beckham commercial for H&M and Coke polar bears were MUCH cuter. Keep reading…

Could eco-friendly Karma help Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore reunite?

Ashton Kutcher was one of the celebrities who took to Twitter during the 2012 Superbowl to support green celebrity Madonna. During the half time show where she was performing live, the man who has been pretty silent on Twitter tweeted out props to the older pop singer. MTV was one website that noticed his praise of the pretty blonde 53-year old woman, saying, “Kutcher was another fan of the pop titan’s high-energy performance as he confessed, “#fact Madonna is crushing it!” Aside from admiring older women other than his estranged wife Demi Moore, many people have been wondering what else the star celeb has been up to lately. Keep reading…

Madonna Super Bowl half time show shows she is a good sport (#SuperBowl)

Guess I’m getting old, just like my favorite rock stars. More pop than rock, but getting old none the less, Madonna was the musical show at this year’s Super Bowl. Generally speaking the reviews of the half time show has been pretty mixed across social media. To those who speak negatively of the 53 year pop star, we say, chill out, and get a life. For all that is expected, she did quite well. An over choreographed performance of a long career squeezed into 15 minutes. And to top it off she had to share the stage with some of today’s modern stars like rappers Nicki Minaj and M.I.A., and crazy party song group LMFAO. Keep reading…