Showing 14 Result(s)

Taylor Lautner not considered celebrity teen anymore? (Twilight Trivia)

Country music singer Taylor Swift was interested romantically in actor Taylor Lautner in the past — that is until the two spent some time together away from Hollywood. Now they are just friends and gossip reports say that the hot young singer who preformed so well at the 2012 Grammys just did not have any chemistry with him. Had the two star celebs officially hooked up, there is no doubt she would have been able to avoid that whole unpleasant business with actor Jake Gyllenhaal that put her in tears over the 2010 Christmas holidays. But, looking on the bright side of things, she managed to make a friend! Keep reading…

Celebrity Hairstyles: New bangs for 2012 the epic fail of hair stylists?

Please, for the love of god ladies… run (do not walk) to the nearest hair salon exit if someone comes near your hair to cut bangs with scissors. Or better yet, STEAL the scissors and run with them. Any injury you get from it will hurt far less than the pain you feel while looking back at pictures of yourself from the “bad bang year”. Sandra Bullock made the mistake of getting bangs cut last year. Now, Kim Kardashian, Angelina Jolie, Rachel McAdams, Liv Tyler, Taylor Swift, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Reese Witherspoon have done it! Make the celebrity hairstyle horror stop now, hair stylists. Donate to Locks of Love at least! Keep reading…

Jennifer Aniston giving dating advice to Taylor Swift while playing mom?

Since it took her so long to find the man she thinks is the perfect guy, middle aged and still childless Jennifer Aniston allegedly hunted down country music singer Taylor Swift recently to offer her love advice about how to be successful as a young single girl. But the entertainment news story seems totally suspicious. Did Jennifer Aniston really try to play mom and give Taylor Swift love advice? While the headline might read well for SEO, it seems like someone from Jennifer Aniston’s press camp might have leaked or planted the rumor so Aniston could capitalize on the free press by having her name tied with the famous girl. Keep reading…