Eco-friendly Justin Timberlake a bright green celebrity award winner?

Justin Timberlake is not just some hot pop music singer. He is also a dynamic movie actor and eco-friendly celeb. Want to know more about what kinds of small steps he is taking to save the planet? So does everyone else — and that is why he has been winning green celebrity awards.

Justin TImberlake is a green celebrity Actor and pop music singer Justin Timberlake has been officially recognized in Hollywood social circles as a green celebrity. The Environmental Media Association has decided to give him their coveted Futures Award for his environmental efforts and eco-friendly actions to help save the planet. Claiming he is a leader in the entertainment world, he’s being recognized as, “a great example of how you can lend your voice for positive change,” USA Today reports.

According to The Press Association, Justin Timberlake is also to be lauded by the eco activists for lowering the carbon footprint of his band and lifestyle while on tour. He’s also helped fund and create an eco-friendly golf course located in Memphis, Tennessee and been an outspoken political activist for a variety of environmental and humanitarian causes.

The Celebrity Cafe, a celeb gossip website, took note of the bright green celebrity’s recognition by the distinguished agency, noting the honor is, “A nice transition from the awards [Timberlake] usually receives for his work on both music and television.”

The award will be presented to Justin Timberlake on October 15 at a special event ceremony held in Burbank, California, The Washington Post reports.

As a well-known and well-liked celebrity face in Hollywood, the former Mickey Mouse Club star also received a Kids Choice Award in 2011 called “The Big Help” from Nickelodeon.

Justin Timberlake has been romantically linked with other green celebrities over the years like actress Cameron Diaz and Jessica Biel. Having grown up as a child star, he dated Britney Spears when the two worked for Disney in his younger years. While Britney went on to epitomize partying and became known as the quintessential “Disney princess gone wild”, Timberlake matured into a very respectful and business oriented young man. His latest romantic comedy film Friends With Benefits was an instant classic hit with members of Generation Y thanks (in part) to the devilish chemistry he has with co-star Mila Kunis.

With a social conscience and a strong work ethic, he has mastered singing and dance. Finding out he could act as well as play off characters in comedy skits seemed to be a bonus, but now that the acting bug bit, Justin says he is finding it tough to refocus his attention on making records again.

Fortunately, becoming a mega movie star thanks to his roles in The Social Network, Bad Teacher, and Friends With Benefits has not stopped him from being eco-conscious.

He is also an advocate for the legalization of medical marijuana, claiming the drug is healthy for him to smoke on occasion because it relaxes him.