Showing 6 Result(s)

Disney princess Britney Spears no cougar (new fiance is older and wiser)

Britney Spears, the former Walt Disney Princess known for dating star celebs like Justin Timberlake and melting down after going through a messy celebrity divorce from Kevin Federline, is getting married again. The celebrity mom who once lost custody of her kids is marrying Jason Trawick — the man who started working for her while she was still happily married to her ex. But unlike Madonna or Jennifer Lopez (who both have dated much younger men following their celebrity splits), she is marrying an older man. How much older than Brit is Jason, you ask? How old is Britney Spears? The answers to those questions revealed here. Keep reading…

Star celebs tweeted Happy 30th B-Day to Google Plus queen Britney Spears

MTV went old school style when issuing Happy Birthday Britney Spears news. The Disney princess turned 30 just days after news broke she is the queen of Google Plus social media. They followed up with a story about all the love and support the Disney princess is getting lately from famous friends now that she’s turned 30. But, but rather than noting her popularity on Google Plus, they discussed verified celebs who tweeted happy birthday wishes. Who congratulated the pop tart on turning 30 by Tweet? Celebrity friends like Heidi Klum, Ellen Degeneres, Nick Cannon, the cast of Jersey Shore, and music business folks from MTV. Keep reading…

Britney Spears has the hots for green celebrity Ryan Gosseling?

Talk about your strange celebrity crush. Pop music singer Britney Spears apparently has a little girl crush on green celebrity actor and GQ cover model and friend of Justin Timberlake. The George Clooney movie Ides of March might not have gotten big box office ticket sales, but it certainly got the young gent noticed as a new heart throb by many big names in Hollywood. But his connection to Spears did not start because of the film. Actually, he and Brit were co-stars on the Mickey Mouse Club… that’s why the Disney Princess knows about him and seems to love him. Who is Ryan Gosseling? Keep reading…