Showing 13 Result(s)

Cars 2 Review: Green cars bio-fuel subject of ridicule in Pixar film?

I recently went to see the new animated film Cars 2. Some parents say I may be looking too deeply into the children’s movie message, but what I saw was an animated kids movie that was red not green. Despite the very real fact the film was fun, funny, had an all star cast of character voices (like actor Owen Wilson, comedian Larry the Cable Guy, and Hollywood celeb Michael Caine), I left the theater deeply disturbed. To give you a brief overview, it’s about friendships and who is the better racer between the car star Lightening McQueen and a new race car from another country. Now, my impression is that one of the main characters was supposed to represent Sir Richard Branson, a famously wealthy environmentalist. Part of the story line is a competition between bio-fuel vehicles and regular old gasoline automobiles. The movie was visually stunning as an animated project. The lesson most kids seem to be taking away from seeing the film was that bio-fuel products are inherently dangerous and their use should never be trusted.

Movie Cars: Epic Batmobile built for new Batman Dark Knight Rises green?

The Bat mobile. The Batmobile is a movie car with its design rooted in the imagination of 5-year-old boys around the world. It is the quintessential ultimate ride — a custom vehicle of epic proportions only a superhero really should drive. The history of the Batmobile is a long one, with roots in the comic book series but real life working wheels on pavement where Batman movies and television shows have been filmed. Years after Batman formally retired, mild-mannered white-collar character Bruce Wayne resurrected his Batman persona when a criminal gang called the Mutants threatened fictional Gotham City back. In that moment of creative genius, writers developed one of the most popular cult classic movie series — and the “alternate” Batman storylines that featured the original Batmobile revamped became part of American pop culture forever as part myth, part cheese, and part urban legend.

Hot Cars: Ford GT perfect exotic car for museum quality auto investment?

Looking to buy an investment grade automobile that is made in America this Memorial Day Weekend? One that is more sustainable because you keep it for well beyond the normal life of a car that is a daily driver you would be tempted to trade in after only a few short years? If you have the cash on hand and know the right auto broker who can find you one, consider buying and keeping an exotic car called the Ford GT. Any production year you can get your hands on is likely to be good, but a newer model as an investment to become a museum quality auto? Love your car but keep the world green by garaging the thing. Keep reading…