Showing 13 Result(s)

Ashton Kutcher not tweeting condolences to Joe Paterno about lung cancer, why?

Penn State legendary coach Joe Paterno was forced to resign over a sex scandal prior to news being released his health might be critical. Ashton Kutcher defending him by tweet for his part in covering up a sex scandal on campus was allegedly the final straw for actress Demi Moore. She is filing for divorce from the Two And A Half Men star while Joe Pa is heading into lung cancer treatment. How are these two celebrity scandals connected? By an @aplusk tweet by the Two And A Half Men star, of course. Keep reading…

Demi Moore skinny celebrity diet secrets outed by Joan Rivers?

Actress Demi Moore is going through a really tough time right now. Her marriage to actor Ashton Kutcher is struggling, she recently was told in no uncertain terms that he was caught in public cheating on their anniversary weekend, and now Joan Rivers went on the record to TMZ blasting her for being too skinny. So what’s behind the weight loss and why was it so shocking to hear this green celebrity’s sad and scary celebrity diet secrets? Keep reading…

Ashton Kutcher mistress name revealed: Who is actress Sara Leal?

New rumors about Ashton Kutcher have hit the internet and they are not about Two And A Half Men. This time, the story is about two and a half women (of sorts) as gossip websites foreshadow trouble brewing between Demi Moore, a friendly new source leak, and an aspiring actress named Sarah Leal. According to multiple celeb gossip sources, now that her friend talked Leal is offering to disclose the details of her affair with Kutcher for $250,000. What is Ashton Kutcher saying about the rumor mills reporting he has been unfaithful with Miss Sarah Leal? Keep reading…