Showing 96 Result(s)

Royal Wedding Trivia: Kate Middleton wedding dress top secret?

Royal Wedding! It’s no strange news that Kate Middleton is keeping her wedding dress secret until the day of the royal wedding between her and Prince William. However, there are many rumors floating around as to who the designer may be, what style she might wear, and more. One rumor has it that designer Sarah Burton may be the choice. Yesterday afternoon, someone was spotted, obviously trying to hide herself, sneaking into the Goring Hotel amid a crowd of photographers. Keep reading…

Royal Wedding Trivia: Follow the Royal Wedding Parade Route on vacation?

Of course, much of the Royal Wedding [festivities including the parade itself] will be broadcast live, but in this day and age of high speed internet and technology, why not start planning your vacation tourist steps by watching the event on live stream video, follow on TV, and get the laptop ready to play with an interactive infographic map of the Royal Wedding parade?

Royal Wedding: Prince William and Kate Middleton coloring pages for kids

Royal Wedding!

Prince William and Kate Middleton coloring pages for kids —

[Apr. 28]

Royal Wedding coloring pages are a great way to teach children history and about current events. Coloring Coloring Pages helps visual learners both understand and remember Social Studies events no matter whether they are in elementary school, middle school, high school, or college. The Royal Wedding of Prince William to commoner Kate Middleton is a historic event for England, the entire United Kingdom, and all the celebrity couple’s worldwide fans.

If you want to follow the wedding news while teaching kids about royal weddings in the home school, private school, or public school classroom, these printables links to coloring sheets with images of the royal couple and the wedding can be quite handy.

Royal Wedding coloring pages are fairly simple for young kids to color; older students can actually be encourages to fill the images in with facts and trivia in different colored pencils so they have a visually inspiring note sheet to help them study for Royal Wedding quizzes.

Coloring is a great skill to encourage for young kids — but don’t forget to encourage teens and adults to also color in or freehand draw their own picture of the newly weds.

Coloring sheets can be turned into a wide variety of keepsake crafts. Printables can be bound together into finished Coloring Books, with printable coloring pages laminated for posterity. Coloring Sheets of the royal wedding can be set out year after year to commemorate anniversaries of the royal couple the same way one decorates for the Holidays.

If you download these free coloring pages of the Royal Wedding, be sure to use recycled paper to make your kids coloring pages and art projects more eco friendly.